
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+5693 (嚓)

Strokes (without radical) 14 Total Strokes 17
Mandarin reading Cantonese reading caat3
Japanese on reading Japanese kun reading
Korean reading Vietnamese reading xát

CEDICT Entries:

   [ ]    (onom.) scraping sound, ripping of fabric, screeching of tires
   [ chā ]    (onom.) snap, pop, see 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]
   [ ]    (onom.) scraping sound, ripping of fabric, screeching of tires
⇒    [ chā ]    (onom.) breaking or snapping, (coll.) cut it out, stop it, also written 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]
⇒    [ chā ]    to break into two (onom.)
⇒    [ chā ]    (onom.) breaking or snapping
⇒    [ ]    (onom.) scraping sound, ripping of fabric, screeching of tires