霍 | [ huò ] surname Huo |
霍 | [ huò ] suddenly |
霍丘 | [ huò qiū ] variant of 霍邱[Huo4 qiu1], Huoqiu county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui, Huoqiu (place in Anhui) |
霍亂 | [ huò luàn ] cholera |
霍亂桿菌 | [ huò luàn gǎn jūn ] Vibrio cholerae, the cholera bacterium |
霍亂毒素 | [ huò luàn dú sù ] cholera toxin |
霍亂菌苗 | [ huò luàn jūn ] cholera vaccine |
霍克松 | [ huò kè sōng ] Hokksund (city in Buskerud, Norway) |
霍克海姆 | [ huò kè haǐ mǔ ] Horkheimer (philosopher) |
霍加狓 | [ huò jiā pī ] okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
霍城 | [ huò chéng ] Huocheng County or Qorghas nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
霍城縣 | [ huò chéng xiàn ] Huocheng County or Qorghas nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
霍夫曼 | [ huò fū màn ] Hofmann or Hoffman (name), August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818-1892), German chemist, Dustin Hoffman (1937-), US film actor |
霍尼亞拉 | [ huò ní yà lā ] Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands |
霍山 | [ huò shān ] Huoshan county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui |
霍山縣 | [ huò shān xiàn ] Huoshan county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui |
霍州 | [ huò zhoū ] Huozhou county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi |
霍州市 | [ huò zhoū shì ] Huozhou county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi |
霍巴特 | [ huò bā tè ] Hobart, capital of Tasmania (Australia) |
霍布斯 | [ huò bù sī ] Hobbs (name) |
霍德 | [ huò dé ] Ford (name) |
霍普金斯大學 | [ huò pǔ jīn sī dà xué ] Johns Hopkins University |
霍林郭勒 | [ huò lín guō lè ] Huolin Gol county level city in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia |
霍林郭勒市 | [ huò lín guō lè shì ] Huolin Gol county level city in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia |
霍格沃茨 | [ huò gé wò cí ] Hogwarts (Harry Potter) |
霍比特人 | [ huò bǐ tè rén ] The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金 |
霍氏旋木雀 | [ huò shì xuán mù què ] (bird species of China) Hodgson's treecreeper (Certhia hodgsoni) |
霍氏鷹鵑 | [ huò shì yīng juān ] (bird species of China) Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx nisicolor) |
霍洛維茨 | [ huò luò weí cí ] Horowitz (name) |
霍然 | [ huò rán ] suddenly, quickly |
霍然而癒 | [ huò rán ér yù ] to recover speedily (idiom); to get better quickly |
霍爾 | [ huò ěr ] Hall (name) |
霍爾姆斯 | [ huò ěr mǔ sī ] Holmes (name) |
霍爾布魯克 | [ huò ěr bù lǔ kè ] Holbrook (name), Richard C.A. Holbrooke (1941-2010), US diplomat, influential in brokering 1995 Dayton Bosnian peace deal, US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2009 |
霍爾木茲 | [ huò ěr mù zī ] Hormuz, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf |
霍爾木茲島 | [ huò ěr mù zī daǒ ] Hormuz Island, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf |
霍爾木茲海峽 | [ huò ěr mù zī haǐ xiá ] Strait of Hormuz |
霍爾滕 | [ huò ěr téng ] Horten (city in Vestfold, Norway) |
霍英東 | [ huò yīng dōng ] Henry Ying-tung Fok (1913-2006), Hong Kong tycoon with close PRC connections |
霍華得 | [ huò huá dé ] Howard (name) |
霍華德 | [ huò huá dé ] Howard (name) |
霍賽 | [ huò saì ] Jose (name) |
霍邱 | [ huò qiū ] Huoqiu county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui |
霍邱縣 | [ huò qiū xiàn ] Huoqiu county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui |
霍金 | [ huò jīn ] Hawkins or Hawking, Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), English theoretical physicist |
霍金斯 | [ huò jīn sī ] Hawkins (name), also written 霍金 |
霍頓 | [ huò dùn ] Hotton, Holden, Wharton, Houghton etc (name) |
⇒ 伊金霍洛 | [ yī jīn huò luò ] Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia |
⇒ 伊金霍洛旗 | [ yī jīn huò luò qí ] Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia |
⇒ 埃因霍溫 | [ aī yīn huò wēn ] Eindhoven (city in the Netherlands) |
⇒ 庫肯霍夫公園 | [ kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán ] Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
⇒ 弗朗索瓦b7霍蘭德 | [ fú lǎng suǒ wǎ huò lán dé ] François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017, also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2] |
⇒ 揮霍 | [ huī huò ] to squander money, extravagant, prodigal, free and easy, agile |
⇒ 揮霍浪費 | [ huī huò làng feì ] to spend extravagantly, to squander |
⇒ 揮霍無度 | [ huī huò wú dù ] extravagance, extravagant |
⇒ 李希霍芬 | [ lǐ xī huò fēn ] Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905), German geologist and explorer who published a major foundational study of the geology of China in 1887 and first introduced the term Silk Road 絲綢之路|丝绸之路 |
⇒ 爐霍 | [ lú huò ] Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag 'go rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet) |
⇒ 爐霍縣 | [ lú huò xiàn ] Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag 'go rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet) |
⇒ 琴斯托霍瓦 | [ qín sī tuō huò wǎ ] Częstochowa (city in Poland) |
⇒ 磨刀霍霍 | [ mó daō huò huò ] lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom), fig. to prepare to attack, to be getting ready for battle |
⇒ 磨刀霍霍 | [ mó daō huò huò ] lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom), fig. to prepare to attack, to be getting ready for battle |
⇒ 米哈伊爾b7普羅霍羅夫 | [ mǐ hā yī ěr pǔ luó huò luó fū ] Mikhail Prokhorov (1965-), Russian billionaire and owner of the Brooklyn Nets (NBA team) |
⇒ 約翰b7霍金斯 | [ yuē hàn huò jīn sī ] John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain, Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist |
⇒ 約翰b7霍金斯大學 | [ yuē hàn huò jīn sī dà xué ] Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore |
⇒ 納撒尼爾b7霍桑 | [ nà sā ní ěr huò sāng ] Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American novelist and short story writer |
⇒ 納霍德卡 | [ nà huò dé kǎ ] Nakhodka (city in Russia) |
⇒ 莫霍洛維奇 | [ mò huò luò weí qí ] Andrija Mohorovichich or Mohorovičić (1857-1936), Croatian geologist and seismologist who discovered the Mohorovichich discontinuity or Moho |
⇒ 莫霍洛維奇不連續面 | [ mò huò luò weí qí bù lián xù miàn ] Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere), abbr. to 莫霍面[Mo4 huo4 mian4] |
⇒ 莫霍面 | [ mò huò miàn ] Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere) |
⇒ 衛霍 | [ weì huò ] abbr. for generals Wei Qing 衛青|卫青 and Huo Qubing 霍去病 of Western Han 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], famous for their success in quelling the Xiongnu barbarian invaders |
⇒ 鄂霍次克海 | [ è huò cì kè haǐ ] Sea of Okhotsk |
⇒ 里希特霍芬 | [ lǐ xī tè huò fēn ] Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905), German geologist and explorer who published a major foundational study of the geology of China in 1887 and first introduced the term Silk Road 絲綢之路|丝绸之路 |
⇒ 錫霍特 | [ xī huò tè ] Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island |
⇒ 錫霍特b7阿林 | [ xī huò tè ā lín ] Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island |
⇒ 錫霍特b7阿林山脈 | [ xī huò tè ā lín shān maì ] Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island |
⇒ 錫霍特山脈 | [ xī huò tè shān maì ] Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island |
⇒ 雞霍亂 | [ jī huò luàn ] chicken cholera (caused by Pasteurella multocida or P. avicida), fowl cholera |