
Hanzi Character Search: 疱


Strokes (without radical) 5 Total Strokes 10
Mandarin reading paò Cantonese reading paau3
Japanese on reading hou Japanese kun reading mogasa
Korean reading pho Vietnamese reading
Traditional Variant(s) pimples
Semantic Variant(s)

CEDICT Entries:

   [ paò ]    pimple, acne, blister, boil, ulcer
   [ paò zhěn ]    blister, bleb (watery blister), herpes (medicine)
   [ paò zhěn bìng ]    herpes virus (med.)
⇒    [ dān chún paò zhěn ]    herpes simplex (med.)
⇒    [ dān chún paò zhěn bìng ]    herpes simplex virus (HSV, med.)
⇒    [ tiān paò chuāng ]    (medicine) pemphigus
⇒    [ daì zhuàng paò zhěn ]    shingles, herpes zoster (medicine)
⇒    [ shuǐ paò ]    blister
⇒    [ mǎn zuǐ paò ]    to have lips covered in blisters
⇒    [ doù paò ]    pimple, acne
⇒    [ nóng paò ]    pimple containing pus
⇒    [ miàn paò ]    acne