
Cojak Preferences

Warning: Undefined variable $message in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 40

This site can store a cookie on your computer (managed by your browser) that will maintain these preferences so that when you return to the site, the operation of this application will be customized for you.

Ignore unihan characters with no English definition

My preferred language for pronunciations and dictionary lookups is:

Display characters/radicals that are:

Display font samples on character lookup page
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks1" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 73

     Sample font 1 name:  
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks2" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 74

     Sample font 2 name:  
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks3" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 75

     Sample font 3 name:  
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks4" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 76

     Sample font 4 name:  
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks5" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 77

     Sample font 5 name:  
Warning: Undefined array key "cojaks6" in /home/public/functions/function.prefs.php on line 78

     Sample font 6 name: