律 | [ lǜ ] surname Lü |
律 | [ lǜ ] law |
律動 | [ lǜ dòng ] rhythm, to move rhythmically |
律呂 | [ lǜ lǚ ] tuning, temperament |
律師 | [ lǜ shī ] lawyer |
律師事務所 | [ lǜ shī shì wù suǒ ] law firm |
律政司 | [ lǜ zhèng sī ] Department of Justice (Hong Kong) |
律條 | [ lǜ ] a law |
律法 | [ lǜ fǎ ] laws and decrees |
律詩 | [ lǜ shī ] regular verse, strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and even lines rhyming |
⇒ 一律 | [ yī lǜ ] same, uniformly, all, without exception |
⇒ 七律 | [ qī lǜ ] abbr. for 七言律詩|七言律诗, verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines |
⇒ 七言律詩 | [ qī yán lǜ shī ] verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines, abbr. to 七律 |
⇒ 三大紀律八項注意 | [ sān dà jì lǜ bā xiàng zhù yì ] the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime |
⇒ 中共中央紀律檢查委員會 | [ zhōng gòng zhōng yāng jì lǜ jiǎn chá weǐ yuán huì ] Disciplinary Committee of Chinese Communist Party |
⇒ 主旋律 | [ zhǔ xuán lǜ ] theme or subject (music) |
⇒ 事務律師 | [ shì wù lǜ shī ] solicitor (law) |
⇒ 交換律 | [ huàn lǜ ] commutative law xy = yx (math) |
⇒ 他律 | [ tā lǜ ] external regulation (e.g. by means of a regulatory body, as opposed to self-regulation 自律[zi4 lu:4]), (ethics) heteronomy |
⇒ 以律 | [ yǐ lǜ ] Eluid (son of Achim) |
⇒ 充足理由律 | [ chōng zú lǐ yoú lǜ ] sufficient grounds (law) |
⇒ 分配律 | [ fēn peì lǜ ] distributivity |
⇒ 刑律 | [ xíng lǜ ] criminal law |
⇒ 十二平均律 | [ shí èr píng jūn lǜ ] equal temperament |
⇒ 千篇一律 | [ qiān piān yī lǜ ] thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive, once you've seen one, you've seen them all |
⇒ 受法律保護權 | [ shoù fǎ lǜ baǒ hù quán ] right to protection by law (law) |
⇒ 嚴以律己 | [ yǎn yǐ lǜ jǐ ] to be strict with oneself (idiom), to demand a lot of oneself |
⇒ 嚴於律己 | [ yán yú lǜ jǐ ] to be strict with oneself |
⇒ 守恆定律 | [ shoǔ héng dìng lǜ ] conservation law (physics) |
⇒ 定律 | [ dìng lǜ ] scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy), (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") |
⇒ 希律王 | [ xī lǜ wáng ] Herod the Great (73 BC - 4 BC), Roman-appointed king of Judea (37-4 BC) |
⇒ 平均律 | [ píng jūn lǜ ] equal temperament (music) |
⇒ 平方反比定律 | [ píng fāng fǎn bì dìng lǜ ] inverse-square law (physics) |
⇒ 平方反比律 | [ píng fāng fǎn bǐ lǜ ] inverse square law (physics) |
⇒ 底特律 | [ dǐ tè lǜ ] Detroit, Michigan |
⇒ 御用大律師 | [ yù yòng dà lǜ shī ] Queen's Counsel |
⇒ 德律風 | [ dé lǜ fēng ] telephone (loanword) |
⇒ 心律不整 | [ xīn lǜ bù zhěng ] arrhythmia |
⇒ 心律不齊 | [ xīn lǜ bù qí ] arrhythmia |
⇒ 心律失常 | [ xīn lǜ shī cháng ] arrhythmia |
⇒ 戒律 | [ jiè lǜ ] monastic discipline, commandment |
⇒ 按照法律 | [ àn zhaò fǎ lǜ ] according to the law |
⇒ 排律 | [ paí lǜ ] long poem in lüshi form 律詩|律诗 |
⇒ 摩西律法 | [ mó xī lǜ fǎ ] law of Moses |
⇒ 摩西的律法 | [ mó xī de lǜ fǎ ] Mosaic Law |
⇒ 旋律 | [ xuán lǜ ] melody |
⇒ 晝夜節律 | [ zhoù yè jié lǜ ] circadian rhythm |
⇒ 格律 | [ gé lǜ ] forms of versification, conventions regarding set number of words and lines, choice of tonal patterns and rhyme schemes for various types of Classical Chinese poetic composition, metrical verse |
⇒ 樂律 | [ yuè lǜ ] tuning, temperament |
⇒ 沙律 | [ shā lǜ ] salad (loanword) |
⇒ 法律 | [ fǎ lǜ ] law, CL:條|条[tiao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4] |
⇒ 法律制裁 | [ fǎ lǜ zhì caí ] legal sanction, prescribed punishment, punishable by law |
⇒ 法律約束力 | [ fǎ lǜ yuē shù lì ] legal force (i.e. binding in law) |
⇒ 法律責任 | [ fǎ lǜ zé rèn ] legal responsibility, liability |
⇒ 浮力定律 | [ fú lì dìng lǜ ] Archimedes' principle (physical law of buoyancy) |
⇒ 瑪律 | [ mǎ lǜ ] Malé, capital of Maldives (Tw) |
⇒ 節律 | [ jié lǜ ] rhythm, pace |
⇒ 紀律 | [ jì lǜ ] discipline |
⇒ 紀律檢查委員會 | [ jì lǜ jiǎn chá weǐ yuán huì ] Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CCP |
⇒ 結合律 | [ jié hé lǜ ] associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.) |
⇒ 總法律顧問 | [ zǒng fǎ lǜ gù wèn ] general counsel |
⇒ 耶律大石 | [ yē lǜ dà shí ] Yollig Taxin or Yelü Dashi (1087-1143), Chinese-educated Khitan leader, founder of Western Liao 西遼|西辽 in Central Asia |
⇒ 耶律楚材 | [ yē lǜ chǔ caí ] Yelü Chucai (1190-1244), Khitan statesman and advisor to Genghis Khan and Ögödei Khan, known for convincing the Mongols to tax the conquered population of the north China plains rather than slaughter it |
⇒ 自律 | [ zì lǜ ] self-discipline, self-regulation, autonomy (ethics), autonomic (physiology) |
⇒ 自律性組織 | [ zì lǜ xìng zǔ zhī ] Self-Regulation Organization, SRO |
⇒ 自律神經系統 | [ zì lǜ shén jīng xì tǒng ] autonomic nervous system |
⇒ 菲律賓 | [ feī lǜ bīn ] the Philippines |
⇒ 菲律賓人 | [ feī lǜ bīn rén ] Filipino |
⇒ 菲律賓大學 | [ feī lǜ bīn dà xué ] University of the Philippines |
⇒ 菲律賓語 | [ feī lǜ bīn yǔ ] Tagalog (language) |
⇒ 菲律賓鵑鳩 | [ feī lǜ bīn juān jiū ] (bird species of China) Philippine cuckoo-dove (Macropygia tenuirostris) |
⇒ 規律 | [ guī lǜ ] rule (e.g. of science), law of behavior, regular pattern, rhythm, discipline |
⇒ 規律性 | [ guī lǜ xìng ] regular |
⇒ 詩律 | [ shī lǜ ] meters and forms of versification, prosody |
⇒ 調律 | [ lǜ ] to tune (e.g. piano) |
⇒ 赤腳律師 | [ chì lǜ shī ] barefoot lawyer, grassroots lawyer |
⇒ 運動定律 | [ yùn dòng dìng lǜ ] laws of motion (mechanics) |
⇒ 金科玉律 | [ jīn kē yù lǜ ] golden rule, key principle |
⇒ 音律 | [ yīn lǜ ] tuning, temperament, music |
⇒ 韻律 | [ yùn lǜ ] cadence, rhythm, rhyme scheme, meter (in verse), (linguistics) prosody |