
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+6A80 (檀)

sandalwood, hardwood; surname
Radical 𣎳𣎴
Strokes (without radical) 13 Total Strokes 17
Mandarin reading tán shàn Cantonese reading taan4
Japanese on reading tan dan Japanese kun reading mayumi
Korean reading tan Vietnamese reading đàn

CEDICT Entries:

   [ tán ]    surname Tan
   [ tán ]    sandalwood, hardwood, purple-red
   [ tán jūn ]    Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC
   [ tán jūn wáng ]    Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC
   [ tán yuè ]    (Buddhism) benefactor (designation of a lay person by a monk)
   [ tán xiāng ]    sandalwood
   [ tán xiāng shān ]    Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, also transliterated as 火奴魯魯|火奴鲁鲁
⇒    [ weī huáng tán ]    cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa)
⇒    [ zhān tán ]    sandalwood (loanword from Sanskrit "candana")
⇒    [ zhān tán ]    sandalwood
⇒    [ tán ]    red sandalwood
⇒    [ qīng tán ]    blue sandalwood (Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim), the bark of which is used to manufacture 宣紙|宣纸
⇒    [ qīng tán shù ]    blue sandalwood (Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim), the bark of which is used to manufacture 宣紙|宣纸