
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+725D (牝)

female of species; deep gorge
Strokes (without radical) 2 Total Strokes 6
Mandarin reading pìn Cantonese reading pan5
Japanese on reading hin Japanese kun reading mesu
Korean reading pin Vietnamese reading

CEDICT Entries:

   [ pìn ]    (of a bird, animal or plant) female, keyhole, valley
   [ pìn ]    male and female
   [ pìn huáng ]    a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance
   [ pìn chén ]    female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority, women meddle in politics, The female wears the trousers.
   [ pìn míng ]    female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority, women meddle in politics, The female wears the trousers.
⇒    [ pìn niú ]    heifer
⇒    [ huáng pìn ]    a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance