
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+8334 (茴)


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fennel, aniseed
Strokes (without radical) 6 Total Strokes 12
Mandarin reading huí Cantonese reading wui4
Japanese on reading kai ui Japanese kun reading
Korean reading hoy Vietnamese reading

CEDICT Entries:

   [ huí ]    fennel, aniseed
   [ huí qín ]    anise (Pimpinella anisum), aniseed, chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)
   [ huí xiāng ]    fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
   [ huí xiāng ]    cumin, fennel seed
   [ huí xiāng doù ]    star anise-flavored fava beans (snack from Shaoxing, Zhejiang province)
⇒    [ huí xiāng ]    Chinese anise, star anise, Fructus Anisi Stellati
⇒    [ huí xiāng ]    dill seed
⇒    [ huí xiāng ]    Chinese anise, star anise
⇒    [ huí xiāng zi ]    aniseed
⇒    [ ān huí xiāng ]    see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin
⇒    [ huí xiāng ]    fennel, fennel seed
⇒    [ zàng huí xiāng guǒ ]    caraway
⇒    [ huí ]    dill seed
⇒    [ ā huí xiāng ]    see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin